The One Year School Podcast
The One Year School Podcast
PC 13 Ghislaine BOUSKILA, Kinesiologist, Breath-worker, Energy Medicine Practitioner
Ghislaine has an amazing way of helping her clients in a holistic way that goes well beyond the modalities she has studied and practiced for many years. She has now expanded her original practice of kinesiology and breath-work to now include topics such as spiritual psychology and energy medicine.
In this podcast she explains what these terms mean and how they benefit her clients. We get a glimpse into the world of kinesiology, how and why muscle testing works in bypassing our mind and unlocking muscle memories.
With the aim of facilitating the body to regain equilibrium, she has first hand experience by having applied all these techniques on herself. Everything that has helped her to transform, she is now practicing under the umbrella term 'conscious energy medicine'.
She explains how so many young children are lacking being grounded, being integrated in their bodies first before they can even start to learn. As a kinesiologist she can then test if anything has happened in their lives, sometimes even prior to their birth. These little or big traumas can inhibit learning and they usually get imprinted unconsciously. In a way, her job is to bring to light, what we may not even be aware of, yet still be inhibited by.
Through her work, Ghislaine is able to practically shift these energy patterns and help the individual regain their healthy balance in body, mind and spirit.
Whatever is happening in the child, in the family and on the planet is to be acknowledged, embraced and worked with to transmute our dramas and pain points to deepen the qualities of our lives, individually and collectively.
To contact Ghislaine, connect here: