The One Year School Podcast
The One Year School Podcast
EP 02: Keanu HOI - my Son's Journey from Dyslexia to his Media Business
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I am very excited to introduce my son Keanu - his full name is Marcus Keanu. I have been using either Marcus or Keanu in the past and some people who don't know him thought that I am talking about two different people. But, there is only one Keanu or Marcus Keanu - and he is the only one of my four children who is dyslexic.
He is the reason I have become a dyslexia facilitator in the past - and why I have started the One Year School as a result.
Keanu explains his version of events, what he thinks of his HSC results, of the education system in Australia, how he forgot his primary school experiences to a large extend and his perception as an under-achiever who was quite distracted at school, at least in primary school.
In this episode Keanu is able to give us an insight into the dyslexic viewpoint of school and his life beyond school. He tells us how being part of an advanced drama group at high school has made a very positive impact on his schooling and improved his English skills. However, rather than being rewarded for writing from the heart, he feels that school teaches ways to use a system to get a positive HSC results, something he used to his advantage, but isn't proud of.
He went on to study media art first at UTS (University of Technology Sydney), then AFTRS (Australian Film, Television and Radio School) and explains what he has learnt since graduating, being self-employed in media arts, creating a life that I would see as very fitting to the dyslexic talents and ideals. Keanu is currently working as a freelance Director, Editor & Animator.
Towards the end, Keanu's view on marking at school was very interesting for me to listen to - and how the view of some educators, that we need to be harsher to kids to prepare them for life is not based on his view of 'real life'.
He claims that some teachers are restricting their students' creativity by placing the weight of their opinion on the output of students and as a result discourage individuality and creativity.
Listen to the end and let me know your thoughts!