The One Year School Podcast

PC 12: Cathleen ROSS, Author and Creative Writing Teacher on How Our Students Can Publish Their First Book or Short Story

Barbara Hoi Season 1 Episode 12

Cathleen Ross is a very prolific, successful and versatile author. Cathleen has currently published 15 books, – and many more e-books, mainly focused on female romance. Cathleen also teaches creative writing to her students.

I have not only enjoyed my interview with Cathleen, but I also learned a lot.

At some point I wished I had received that information before I published my own books, which I think would have saved me a lot of time and energy, learning through trial and error.  

As the One Year School is offering the option of helping our students to write their own books, if they wish to do so, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to offer this information to our students now and give them a short-cut to this experience, as I am picking Cathleen’s brain.

Cathleen teaches first of all how to create, start and write a well-structured story, especially a short story, which is easier to accomplish for beginners. Cathleen explains the importance of a good hook to get the reader engaged and drawn into a story, how to introduce a protagonist or a hero to our story and how to create the twists and turns, the suspense that keep us reading a story.  Did you know what ‘high stakes’ are and how to get a good pace for the story?  Cathleen also reveals the importance of making it clear and transparent from the start, what type of story it will be – and how to be intriguing as well.

Beyond writing tips and strategies, Cathleen also give us tips  how to source the best publishing options or how to self-publish a book or short story. 

If you have ever wanted to write and publish your thoughts, fantasy or experiences, this interview will help you on your way to making it a reality.
Enjoy the interview as much as I have!

If you have any questions for Cathleen, you can contact her on: