The One Year School Podcast
The One Year School Podcast
PC 20: Heidi Stead - Steadfast Language and Learning
Today’s podcast is with Heidi Stead, the director of Steadfast Language and Learning.
Heidi has a master degree in English Linguistics and has created a range of products that support students, especially those preparing for their HSC.
As so many dyslexic individuals I have worked with are struggling with grammar, I have invited Heidi to be on my podcast and not only help students with that, but even more so in structuring their creative ideas into essays that mirror these wonderful ideas.
Often with visual, creative learners, their imaginative stories get lost between their mind and the paper and they fail to produce even a pail resemblance to the richness of their fantasy.
Heidi’s materials represent a scaffold to enable students to structure their grand ideas, demystifying the process of learning English literacy.
It may be challenging for students to see a need to know terms and grammar points which they may never use again, so Heidi wants to simplify and clarify the essence, so students can improve their English skills more every year, realising that grammar is as relevant as ever to reflect our thoughts and ideas.
With the help of card games that Heidi designed, students refresh the recollections of definitions and examples. Most students have heard the grammar terms without knowing the deeper meaning and use. Heidi agrees that it may not be so important to know every single grammar term, but rather recognise what the purpose is and how to apply it in literature.
Her slogan for High School students “Learn like Crazy, without Going Mad” wants to help her students to learn a lot, yet not get overwhelmed either.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the chat and I’m sure you’ll get a new appreciation for grammar too.
Otherwise I’ll need to comfort you too with the favourite grammar joke: there – they’re – their
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